The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced a new archeological discovery in Minya Governorate

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced a new archeological discovery in Minya Governorate, which includes 3 tombs in the area of ( Tuna Al-Jabal in the city of Mallawi ) , the first (the tomb of grandfather Hagwati Ayov Ankh, the royal treasurer and the royal seal holder for Lower Egypt ) , and the second (a tomb of an ancient Pharaonic family ) , and the third cemetery ( ” Ebi “, one of the nobles of the Ashmunites). 

Mohamed Walid Abdel-Basir, a member of the Antiquities Mission in the region, said that this (the result of 3 seasons searching of 35 tombs were discovered ) , and said that the family cemetery includes 9 coffins of stone and the cemetery was opened for the first time as there is no looting in it and we found in it all the holdings, while the cemetery treasurer contains A large sarcophagus has yet to open and weighs 9 tons, and two wood sarcophagi are less than the primary sarcophagus . 

He said that the region dates back to the late 26th and 27th dynasties 

We have been working here since 2011 , said Kariman Abdel-Alim, inspector of antiquities in Minya. This time represents 3 archaeological seasons. 7 tombs were discovered in the first season , the second season is 12 cemeteries, and the last of this year 16 tombs and 20 coffins were discovered by The Egyptian      mission is headed by the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities

She added that the outcome of the three seasons so far is 35 cemeteries, 80 coffins, and more than 10 thousand Oshabti statues, an infinite number of amulets and scarabs, and canopic pottery utensils