For Egyptians looking beautiful and having a fresh and young appearance mattered a lot. They loved to look younger than their age. For this reason, ancient Egyptians used various formulae to prolong a beautiful and youthful appearance. Egyptians used various cosmetics and

Cults were sects dedicated to serving one deity. From the Old Kingdom onwards, priests were usually the same sex as their god or goddess. Priests and priestesses were allowed to marry, to have children and to own property and land.

Ancient Egypt’s Most Important Gods Ra the Sun God. As the creator of all forms of life and the absolute ruler of all the other gods, Ra had a pretty major role in the god pantheon. He was depicted with a

The pyramids are the most recognizable symbol of ancient Egypt. Even though other civilizations, such as the Maya or the Chinese, also employed this form, the pyramid in the modern day is synonymous in most people’s minds with Egypt. The pyramids at Giza remain impressive monuments thousands of years

The artworks of ancient Egypt have fascinated people for thousands of years. The early Greek and later Roman artists were influenced by Egyptiantechniques and their art would inspire those of other cultures up to the present day. Many artists are known from later periods but those of

The ancient Egyptians were best known for their pyramids. These impressive and stately works of architecture are not only grand displays of art themselves, they also represent incredible mathematical and technological knowledge. Over 80 pyramids still stand today that are over 3,000

Examples of ancient Egyptian art and crafts still exist today. They have survived the ravages of thousands of years and are prime examples of the dedication craftsmen felt for their art. Unfortunately, items crafted from leather, wood and other perishables have

Since the Ancient Egyptians were highly religious people, much of the art they created can be found on temple walls and in tombs in the form of sculptures and paintings. The paintings in tombs were meant to help guide the

  Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Expressed in paintings and sculptures, it was highly symbolic and fascinating – this art form revolves

Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Expressed in paintings and sculptures, it was highly symbolic and fascinating – this art form revolves round

Ancient Egyptian astrology is not the same astrology we use today, although there are a few links that tie them together. But ancient astrology in general was used a little differently than the way we use astrology today. For the most

One of the earliest advanced civilizations, Ancient Egypt, had a rich religious tradition which permeated every aspect of society. As in most early cultures, the patterns and behaviors of the sky led to the creation of a number of myths

Egyptian burial is the common term for the ancient Egyptian funerary rituals concerning death and the soul’s journey to the afterlife. Eternity, according to scholar Margaret Bunson, “was the common destination of each man, woman and child in Egypt” (87) but not `eternity’ as in an

Many gods were worshiped devoutly throughout ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians Gods were a multitude of gods, where each associated with some specific element or quality. Below are 30 of the most famous Gods of Egypt in no particular order.   Amun: The King of

The government of ancient Egypt was a theocratic monarchy as the king ruled by a mandate from the gods, initially was seen as an intermediary between human beings and the divine, and was supposed to represent the gods’ will through the laws

The government of ancient Egypt was a theocratic monarchy as the king ruled by a mandate from the gods, initially was seen as an intermediary between human beings and the divine, and was supposed to represent the gods’ will through the laws

The Egyptians believed that the earth (specifically Egypt) reflected the cosmos. The stars in the night sky and the constellations they formed were thought to have a direct bearing on one’s personality and future fortunes. The gods informed the night

Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs The ancient Egyptians had a unique writing system now known as hieroglyphs. These are the little pictures that most people associate with Egyptian writing. However, the ancient Egyptians had two other scripts they used as well. Papyrus of

It’s been hundreds of thousands of years since the first simple jewelry pieces were crafted from seashells, bone, and animal skin. In the years since our ancestors first left the African continent, Egypt has become a dominant civilization in ancient

Except for the slaves, all ancient Egyptians wore heavy, brightly colored jewelry and it was highly valued. Not only did jewelry reflect the wealth and social status of its wearer, it was thought to help ward off evil spirits, both

Ancient Egyptian literature comprises a wide array of narrative and poetic forms including inscriptions on tombs, stele, obelisks, and temples; myths, stories, and legends; religious writings; philosophical works; autobiographies; biographies; histories; poetry; hymns; personal essays; letters and court records. Although many of

Ancient Egyptian medical practises were so advanced that many of their procedures and observations were not eclipsed by western medicine for centuries following the fall of Rome. Both the ancient Greeks and Roman borrowed extensively from Egyptian medical expertise. Doctors

In Europe, in the 19th century CE, an interesting device began appearing in graveyards and cemeteries: the mortsafe. This was an iron cage erected over a grave to keep the body of the deceased safe from ‘resurrectionists’ – better known as body-snatchers. These

Alongside the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, when we think of ancient Egypt, we immediately summon an image of an eternal mummy, swathed in bandages. Initially, it was the grave goods that accompanied the mummy into the afterlife that attracted the

Music was an important part of the life of the people in ancient Egypt and musicians during this time were offered a number of prominent positions in society. Music was very central to the way of life, which can be easily