Minister of Emigration and Expatriate Affairs Nabila Makram received a phone call from Egyptian businessman in UAE Bishoy Emad Azmy, CEO of the Dubai-based Al Shafar General Contracting (ASGC) Company, in which he announced that he will donate EGP 5 million in immediate response to the Egyptian government’s decision to launch a bank account No 2030 to support irregular workers who have been badly harmed by the impact of coronavirus crisis.
In a statement released on Monday, the Ministry of Emigration said Makram praised the patriotic role of Egyptians abroad who proved day after day their affiliation to their homeland at the time of challenges, voicing her deep thanks to Egyptian businessmen over their response to back the nation in such critical phase of countering the spread of coronavirus in Egypt.
The ministry also quoted Azmy as saying that all businessmen are backing the national efforts of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to achieve development in Egypt, noting that all world countries have remarkably noticed the important role played by Cairo under his leadership and at such a critical phase of facing the danger of spread of the disease.
He urged all expatriates to join hands and extend all forms of support to the Egyptian people in order to assist the Egyptian government in its endeavors amid such global crisis.
A number of Egyptian businessmen, who have participated in “Egypt Can Through Investment and Development” Conference, made initiatives of donating for the disaster and crises fund made by Egypt under the name of “Egypt Fund”. A number of Egyptian businessmen abroad including Tamer Hedaiyet and another US businessman, who asked not to be identified, donated dlrs 100,000 per each.
The Egyptian government will start as of today disbursing three-month benefits for irregular workers who have been harmed by the repercussions of the coronavirus crisis.