Egyptian Science
Despite their superstitions, Egyptian priests encouraged the development of many scientific disciplines, especially astronomy and mathematics. The construction of the pyramids and other astonishing monuments would have been impossible without a highly developed mathematical knowledge. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (also known as the Ahmes Papyrus) is an ancient mathematical treatise, dating back to approximately 1650 BCE. This […]
The term science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”. It can be defined as a systematic attempt to discover, by means of observation and reasoning, particular facts about the world, and to establish laws connecting facts with one another and, in some cases, to make it possible to predict future occurrences. There are other ways to […]
Ancient Egypt Sports
Many of the sports played today were also played during the ancient Egyptian period. Many illustrations on the walls of tombs and monuments show that sports like long jump, wrestling, weightlifting, rowing, swimming, shooting, athletics and fishing and a few ball games were very popular with the ancient Egyptians. Also, many kings and princes in this […]
Standard House Designs In Ancient Egypt
Most layouts of ancient Egyptian houses were largely determined by how wealthy the family was, whether they lived in a rural area or the city. Archaeologists have found most ancient Egypt houses were built with a flat roof as part of their design. This design feature simplified construction in an era where everything was hand […]
Ancient Egyptian Houses
As with other cultures, the home was the centre of social life. Ancient Egyptian homes were built to a generally common layout using a limited range of natural materials. Most houses in ancient Egypt were built using readily available and abundant materials. Facts About Ancient Egyptian Houses Ancient Egypt’s earliest recorded houses date back to the Stone […]
Ancient Egyptian Music
An affinity for making and appreciating music is one of humanity’s defining characteristics. Little wonder then that the vibrant ancient Egyptian culture embraced music and musicians. Music and musicians were valued highly amongst ancient Egyptian society. Music was believed to be integral to the act of creation and was essential for communing with their pantheon […]
Ancient Egypt’s Education Curriculum
A diverse range of subjects was taught in ancient Egyptian schools. The focus for younger students was usually confined to reading, writing, and basic mathematics. The range of topics expanded as students progressed through to system to include such subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, medicine, ethics, science, morality and music. After finishing their education, […]
Education In Ancient Egypt
Education in ancient Egypt was shaped by its conservative social system. While education was valued, it was largely restricted to the children of those with means. As the same families often staffed civilian and military positions in the palace administration across generations, education was one of the means by which institutional memory was transferred down the generations. […]
Ancient Egypt’s Embalming Artisans
After a person died, their remains were transported to the embalmers’ premises. Here three levels of service were available. For the wealthy was the best and therefore the most expensive service. Egypt’s middle classes could take advantage of a more affordable option, while the working class could probably only afford the lowest level embalming available. […]
Ancient Egyptian Marriage Contracts
Unless they were very poor, for ancient Egyptians a marriage typically was accompanied by a contract essentially similar to our current prenuptial agreements. This contract outlined the bride price, which was the amount payable by the family of the groom to the family of the bride in exchange for the honour of marrying the bride. […]