Ancient Egypt’s Most Important Gods
Ra the Sun God. As the creator of all forms of life and the absolute ruler of all the other gods, Ra had a pretty major role in the god pantheon. He was depicted with a hawk head, headdress and sun disc. At one point, he combined with Amun to create an even more powerful god called Amun-Ra.
Osiris. The husband of Isis and father to Horus. Osiris ruled the underworld and was god of the dead.
Isis. A true mother goddess. She protected people in need and empowered women with knowledge.
Horus. The son of brother and sister, Osiris and Isis, Horus ruled the sky. The living pharaoh was thought to be the embodiment of Horus.
Click here to learn more about The Ancient Egyptian Gods
River Nile
The Nile played a key part in the development of Ancient Egypt. It provided direct means of transportation across the country, often carrying the materials many constructions were made of. Not only did it become an important trade route, but its recurrent, predictable floods transformed the dry lands into fertile soil. The thriving crops and the abundance of fish in the water supported life in the otherwise barren sands of the African deserts.
Click here to learn more about The Nile River (for Kids)
The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted for thousands of years. Culturally and religiously it changed very little, but from it came incredible inventions and insights that we still use today.
One of the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt is the hieroglyphic writing.
Egyptians developed three types of writing, which were used for papyrus documents and engraved on walls.
People had to follow specific training in order to learn how to write and were named scribes.