Embalmer’s Methods
The embalmers removed the organs from the abdomen through a long incision cut into the left side. In removing the brain, as Ikram notes, they would insert a hooked surgical tool up through the dead person’s nose and pull the brain out in pieces but there is also evidence of embalmers breaking the nose to […]
Childbirth and Children in Ancient Egypt
Children were considered a blessing in ancient Egypt. Sons and daughters took care of their parents in their old age. They were often called “the staff of old age,” that is, one upon whom the elderly parents could depend upon for support and care. The scribe Ani instructed that children repay the devotion of Egyptian […]
The ancient Egyptians believed in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. This belief was rooted in what they observed each day. The sun fell into the western horizon each evening and was reborn the next morning in the east. New life sprouted from grains planted in the earth, and the moon waxed and waned. […]
There is much evidence for the leisure activities of the ancient Egyptians. Men engaged in physical sports, such as hunting, fishing, archery, wrestling, boxing, and stick fencing. Long-distance races were organized to demonstrate physical prowess, and both men and women enjoyed swimming. Board games were popular, and games boards were constructed of a number of […]
Child-bearing and Family Life
The relationship between coitus and pregnancy was clearly recognized by the ancient Egyptians. For example, the Late Period story of Setna relates, “She lay down beside her husband. She received [the fluid of] conception from him”; and a hymn to Khonsu relates, “the male member to beget; the female womb to conceive and increase generations […]
Ancient Egyptian Society and Family Life
Marriage and the Family The nuclear family was the core of Egyptian society and many of the gods were even arranged into such groupings. There was tremendous pride in one’s family, and lineage was traced through both the mother’s and father’s lines. Respect for one’s parents was a cornerstone of morality, and the most fundamental […]
Woman Power: Women of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt
It is possible that Hatshepsut knew of several reigning Egyptian queens before the Eighteenth Dynasty, but there is no evidence of it. There were some images of Sobeknefru that survived into Hatshepsut’s time. But she surely knew of the record of the women of the Eighteenth Dynasty, of which she was a part. Ahhotep […]
Women In Power- Ancient Egypt
Ladies of Egypt: Then and Now If there were country ratings in the ancient times, Egypt would be named the best place to live for women, as they were the only ones at that period who enjoyed social, legal and political fairness. Women in Power Ancient Athens, where the democracy as a way of ruling first […]
Women of Ancient Egypt: “Like no others in the world”
At the premises of Cairo Library, the hall last Wednesday was crowded with ancient Egyptian women — those who reigned, those who worked, and those who became the first doctors in history. “Women of Ancient Egypt” is part of a series of lectures given by the talented tour guide, Egyptologist, and researcher in the science of […]
From Warrior Women To Female Pharaohs: Careers For Women In Ancient Egypt
Active and independent individuals, women in Ancient Egypt enjoyed a legal equality with men that their sisters in the modern world did not manage until the 20th century, and a financial equality that many have yet to achieve. Whilst the concept of a career choice for women is a relatively modern phenomenon, the situation in […]