Magic in Death

Just as magic was involved in one’s birth and life, so was it present at one’s departure to the next world. Mummification was practiced in order to preserve the body so that it could be recognized by the soul in the afterlife. The last act of the priests at a funeral was the Opening of […]

The Egyptian Amulet: Pious Symbols of Spiritual Life

Material Objects & Cultures Material objects convey volumes about the people who possessed them. Cultures and societies in every generation are in part classified – either correctly or incorrectly – by the objects or symbols they select and how they are displayed. Typically, the formal study of society is the purview of anthropologists and social […]

Best Budget Destinations for Fall

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some cruise passengers actually can at least for a day. Each of the following cruise lines below offer passengers a day of fun in the sun on their very own private island. […]