I am very glad to see the Coptic Museum entering a new era. The Museum itself has been under renovation for over five years. The historic buildings and the priceless artifacts housed in them have been painstakingly conserved, and the displays have been beautifully renewed.
As part of the rebirth of the Coptic Museum in the 21st century, it is only befitting to have a world-class home on the internet. This multimedia site offers a chance not only for leading scholars to share their expertise on Egypt’s Coptic heritage, but also an opportunity for members of the Coptic community to express their views and to contribute to the ongoing development of this vital part of Egypt’s culture and society.
I am proud of the many people who have worked so hard to make the Coptic Museum what it is today, and I am delighted to say that I feel this museum has a very bright future in the digital age. I hope that you enjoy this website.