Red Sea


In1761 , Red Sea fish were studied by the world Peter Forskall Peter Forsskali He gave scientific names to the Red Sea fish, describing151 species of fish.

And in1822 the scientist Edward Rubil rose Edward Ruppel It collected the Red Sea fish and published an atlas around the Red Sea fish that included161 species, including 75 new species, in the period from1828 to1830 . Then the same world published another atlas of four parts comprising164 species, including100 new species(1838-1835).

And at the same time as Rubel was doing the same work, there were two other scientists from Germany also who were collecting fish samples from the Red Sea and they are CG Ehrenberg And FG Hemprich The second one died before returning and the first returned with a large group of animal and plant samples from the Red Sea, so he delivered the fish samples to two famous fish scientists. B .. G. Cuvier And A. Valencinnes They included this group of fish in a book on the natural history of fish consisting of22 parts(1822-1847).

In1864 another scientist, the physicist, began Carl Klunzinger What was working in Egypt at that time was a study on the Red Sea fish that took5  years and was published in1870 and1871 . This study included520 species of Red Sea fish . And since then there have been studies that deal with Red Sea fish,

and in1971 Peter did ( Botros )Publication of a summary of Red Sea fish that contained the names of all fish studied and named by previous scientists . And in1980 he rose Ormond Lists a list of common fish in the Red Sea with some information on the behavior of these fish based on the observations that were recorded under the water.

In1983 he did John Randall By putting a wonderful guide to the definition and description of Red Sea fish that contained356 species, this world was not satisfied with putting wonderful color pictures, but it included in his book scientific information that is very accurate and important . In the middle of the last century, Australian scientist Hans Haass filmed the first video of marine life in the Red Sea, where he filmed26 short films . In the year1984 he did Dor To publish a list containing about1000 species of Red Sea fish, then another list followed in1994 , containing1248 species that he published Dor & Goren.

The importance of the Red Sea is due to the fact that it is a road for the movement of goods, especially oil, but it is also rich and diversified in marine life and coral reefs scattered along the shallow rocky sidewalks that make the sea full of fringes, which are the most beautiful at all in the world, and are considered an attractive center for divers . The mangrove along the beaches is a breeding ground for many species Fish Crustaceans are of commercial importance, while the depths are home to larger fish and marine mammals, and seabed sea turtle and sea bride supply food, while plankton is a major source of food for many types of fish and other organisms. .

There are more than1300 species of fish, more than a thousand species of mollusks200,  corals, and more than250 fish worms, etc., all in this small space, and the most interesting, creative and accessible beings are found on coral reefs in the Red Sea .


Aquatic pictures of the Red Sea:


White spot reef shark : It is one of the sharks that inhabit the people, and can be seen most often lying in a cave during the day, and it is believed that sharks are dangerous, but most species likely avoid humans instead of attacking them . The thickness of this fish is170 cm, and it is possible Identify Easily on them through the white end of the rear fin, and her food is the people’s fish .

Like sharks, the structure of the guitars is cartilaginous, and this fish is common for sandy slopes and grassy seabeds in the northern Red Sea . The female gives birth ” Albiodh Alolod “( Where eggs hatch inside her body ) Up to ten toddlers between May and October . Its food consists mainly of crustaceans .

Warnak This distinctive stingray fish is shaped like a rhombus, its length reaches3.2  m, and it is preferable to live in sandy and muddy areas in clear shallow lakes and reefs near the beach, and in this picture it is partially covered in sand, and it feeds mostly on fish  Mollusks Crustaceans and jellyfish .

Scorpio fish This is one of the poisonous fish found in the Red Sea, where you find it lying in protected places on hard bottoms or crusher and reefs.  Live coral and similar places, and vary their colors to suit the surrounding environment and therefore not easy to observe, and feed on fish, crustaceans and the head are old, and in case of disturbance their thorns emerge and may cause a harmful sting .

Rooster fish : This remarkable fish is considered one of the most dangerous fish in the Red Sea, and its feathers that take the shape of feathers are provided with glands to secrete the poison, and can be directed towards the intruder. It causes death, and pain can be relieved by immersing the affected limb in hot water .

You see in large colored swarms on Reef of the Red Sea Males of this small size ( up to15 cm ) defend the larger females, and if the male leaves, this may cause the transformation of the gender of one of the dominant females to take on the role of the male . The male is a reddish-purple color, while the female is mostly orange-red.

Most types of hawkfishes , And settles on the sea floor and sometimes holds itself in place with the help of thicker lower thoracic fins, and rushes like an arrow to capture its prey, which is often fish and sometimes shrimp . Besides the bright color, there is also a dark brown color that progresses to a yellowish-orange. .

It is a huge fish that lives alone, and can reach a length of one meter, and is ideal for living in open water because it is a strong swim . And large individuals may be ciguatoxic (It is caused by eating poisoned two-whipped algae ) , which is carnivorous . They mainly feed on reef fish, but they can sometimes catch squid . It may be seen Little kids In small groups along the sandy coast of estuaries or shallow lakes .

Barracuda : Barracuda are fish with long cylindrical bodies towards the front . Her huge mouths with protruding lower jaws contain a row of sharp, long teeth . These carnivores have a bad reputation for attacking humans, but they only attack if they are attracted by a fish wrestling with a spear or the like. .

Anemone fish with two side lines : This small bright fish with a length of12 cm, lives closely linked to one of the poison anemones that live in the seas . The fish cover themselves with a mucous substance produced by anemones, so that they are not recognized and fall prey, and are always the largest fish in the group of females, where they have changed their gender and evolved from the dominant male . And put this fish from500 to1500 eggs under anemones Numan  .


Head fish : Head fish is one of the largest and most diverse families of small fish in the Red Sea . And graduated from Cleaner Wrasse Meager to a huge humpback fish whose length exceeds two meters, and Checkerboard It reaches about 27 cm, has attractive colors, and the colors of males differ from females . It is a day active and carnivorous .

A family member ( Butterfly fish ) Bright-colored, a particularly attractive fish . The family is generally diurnal, feeding on polyps or cores, and other intestines . And you see Lemonfish Mostly in diodes, sometimes you see in a flock . It is a shy fish Difficult Touch them to take pictures .

Fish : I got Surgeon fish Named after her sharp appendages that resemble the knives protruding from the sides to the base of her tail , these weapons enable her to slash other fish and humans who are not careful while handling them. . Which Fish are aggressive and have regional locations . They feed on algae growing on the people .

This fish belongs to the same family that you belong to Surgeon fish , And also has thorns on the sides of her tail, and the adult has a prominent bump in front of the eyes, but it does not extend to the mouth . It is said to go to the shallow waters In search For benthic algae (a type of broad-leaved algae) .

Fish of vitreous have an exceptional ability to inflate their bodies by drawing water into their hollows . And her fame is also due to her strong poison called the phlebotomy toxin that is sometimes found in muscles, but it is found especially In the liver and ovaries . Some people hunt them, as they consider their skins attractive to keep as souvenirs .

This is a tourist airspace in one of the greatest palaces of Egypt, and follow us to meet in the upcoming tours with tourist tours to get to know the most important monuments and features of ancient Egypt .

With greetings from the Star Shine Tourism team  .