
Jobs in Ancient Egypt

Just like in any other civilization, the economy of Ancient Egypt relied on a variety of skilled and unskilled labor.

Jobs in Ancient Egypt for the Middle Class

Unlike many other countries where everyone was either a peasant or a nobleman, Egypt had a very large middle class. These

From Warrior Women To Female Pharaohs: Careers For Women In Ancient Egypt

Active and independent individuals, women in Ancient Egypt enjoyed a legal equality with men that their sisters in the modern

Women of Ancient Egypt: “Like no others in the world”

At the premises of Cairo Library, the hall last Wednesday was crowded with ancient Egyptian women — those who reigned, those

Women In Power- Ancient Egypt

Ladies of Egypt: Then and Now   If there were country ratings in the ancient times, Egypt would be named the best

Woman Power: Women of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

It is possible that Hatshepsut knew of several reigning Egyptian queens before the Eighteenth Dynasty, but there is no evidence

Ancient Egyptian Society and Family Life

 Marriage and the Family The nuclear family was the core of Egyptian society and many of the gods were even

Child-bearing and Family Life

The relationship between coitus and pregnancy was clearly recognized by the ancient Egyptians. For example, the Late Period story of


There is much evidence for the leisure activities of the ancient Egyptians. Men engaged in physical sports, such as hunting,
Featured Articles, Women

Childbirth and Children in Ancient Egypt

Children were considered a blessing in ancient Egypt. Sons and daughters took care of their parents in their old age.

Hegyptian Women

Ancient Egypt had one of the most progressive civilizations for women. The culture believed that happiness and joy were the
Stories, Women

Daily Lives of The Ancient Egyptian Queens

Unlike other ancient cultures, the ancient Egyptians had respect for women, especially those with royal power. The wives of pharaohs were

Egyptian Women in Ancient Times

In Ancient Egypt, social dignity was not based on gender, but rather on social status (Jeyawordena, 1986; Robins, 1993; Piccione,

Marriage And Romantic Love

Numerous ancient Egyptian tomb paintings show affectionate couples, pointing to an appreciation of the concept if romantic love amongst ancient