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Ancient Egyptian Food and Drink

When we think of the Ancient Egyptians we rarely stop to think about their food and drink, yet their diet
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Ancient Egyptian Cities & Regions

The distinctive geography of ancient Egypt with a narrow strip of lush fertile land surrounded by desert saw its cities built close
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The Exodus

The Exodus in ancient Egypt refers to a time when the Israelites were led out of Egypt by Moses. The
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Archaeological Evidence

Even though the story of the Exodus out of ancient Egypt is the Torah’s basis for creation, there is no real
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Ancient Egyptian Mastabas

The mastaba was used by the early pharaohs of Pre- and Early-Dynastic periods, but faded out of royal use in
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Tomb Robbers in Ancient Egypt

Tomb robbing in ancient Egypt played an important part in the economic well-being of the society. Although by today’s standards
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Ancient Egyptian Papyrus

Papyrus began as the world’s first type of paper, derived from the Cyperus papyrus plant. Even though it was developed
Fashion, Social Life

Decoding Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments

Egyptologists examining the wealth of ancient hieroglyphs bequeathed to us discovered ancient Egyptians developed a diverse range of musical instruments. Egyptian
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Facts About Religion In Ancient Egypt

Religion in ancient Egypt permeated every facet of society. Ancient Egyptian religion combined theological beliefs, ritual ceremonies, magical practices and spiritualism. Religion’s
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Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

When we think of ancient Egyptians, the image that most readily pops into our minds is hordes of workers labouring
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The Economy of Ptolemaic Egypt

Ptolemaic Egypt rapidly established itself as an economic powerhouse of the ancient world at the end of the 4th century BCE. The
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Ancient Egyptian Marriage Contracts

Unless they were very poor, for ancient Egyptians a marriage typically was accompanied by a contract essentially similar to our
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Ancient Egyptian Houses

As with other cultures, the home was the centre of social life. Ancient Egyptian homes were built to a generally
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Ancient Egypt’s Upper Class

Members of the king’s royal court enjoyed similar comforts to the king, although with little former responsibilities. Egypt’s nomarchs lived
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Marriage In The Afterlife

Ancient Egyptians believed marriages were eternal and extended into the afterlife. The life expectancy for most men was their thirties
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Jobs In Ancient Egypt

As with other contemporary civilizations, ancient Egypt’s economy was dependent on a mix of both unskilled and skilled labour. How ancient