Social Life

Ancient Egypt’s Social Pyramid

The Pharaoh High government officials like the vizier (the pharaoh’s right hand man), the chief treasurer and the army general Priests and
Social Life

The Nile River in Ancient Egypt

The Nile River has certainly played a critical role in the history of ancient Egypt. Famous as the longest river in
Social Life

Ancient Egyptian Agriculture

Agriculture was the foundation of the ancient Egyptian economy and vital to the lives of the people of the land. Agricultural practices began in
Social Life

The Chain of Command

Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians
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Ancient Egyptian Labourers And Farmers

Traditionally, the Egyptian economy was based on a barter system right up until the Persian invasion of 525 BCE. Based
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Farming was the foundation of the ancient Egyptian economy. It was the most common occupation and was often carried down
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Traders And Merchants

Ancient Egypt enjoyed well-trodden trade links with surrounding cultures in Mesopotamia, Africa and the Mediterranean. Consequently, trade and its merchants
Social Life

Ancient Egypt’s Embalming Artisans

After a person died, their remains were transported to the embalmers’ premises. Here three levels of service were available. For
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Education In Ancient Egypt

Education in ancient Egypt was shaped by its conservative social system. While education was valued, it was largely restricted to the children
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Ancient Egypt’s Education Curriculum

A diverse range of subjects was taught in ancient Egyptian schools. The focus for younger students was usually confined to
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Ancient Egyptian Music

An affinity for making and appreciating music is one of humanity’s defining characteristics. Little wonder then that the vibrant ancient
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Standard House Designs In Ancient Egypt

Most layouts of ancient Egyptian houses were largely determined by how wealthy the family was, whether they lived in a
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Ancient Egypt Sports

Many of the sports played today were also played during the ancient Egyptian period. Many illustrations on the walls of
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Trade and Transportation on the Nile River

You might be tempted to ignore the stubby structures of frontier Aswan, known in Ancient Egypt as Swenett. You might
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Spirituality and World View

The Nile River, for all its importance to the Ancient Egyptian, had no deity. It didn’t even have a name.
Social Life

The Vizier in Ancient Egypt

Second in authority only to the pharaoh, the office of vizier in ancient Egypt was a highly coveted position that
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Most Important Viziers

Imhotep There have been many famous viziers in history, but perhaps the most famous is Imhotep of the Third Dynasty. Not only
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Ancient Make-up

Make-up kits found in tombs were stored in chests and included bronze or copper mirrors, small jars of make-up or
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Daily Life in Ancient Egypt for Kids

Life in Ancient Egypt was quite civilized. People had to work, they played games for recreation and had standards for
Social Life

Ancient Egyptian Animals

The role of an animal in the modern age is primarily that of companionship or food. Older cultures, however, did