The Burial Process of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

Much of what we know today about ancient Egypt has been pieced together by archeologists using artifacts and information gathered from the tombs of pharaohs and other high-ranking individuals. The Egyptians observed a complex series of rituals when burying dead pharaohs, designed to aid the dead king’s transition into the afterlife. Mummification and burial were […]

When Did People in Ancient Egypt Start Mummifying Pharaohs?

A common tenet of the religious beliefs of ancient Egyptian people throughout their civilization is a strong emphasis on the afterlife, and preparing the earthly remains of the deceased for that new existence. Basic methods for mummification were in practice before the reign of the first pharaoh, and developed in sophistication through the course of […]

Cleopatra – For Kids

Cleopatra was the second to last pharaoh of Egypt. Her son was pharaoh briefly after her death, but Egypt became part of the Roman Empire when he was killed just a few days later. Cleopatra is famous for her reign, her love life and her tragic death. She was one of the most powerful women […]


Ancient Egyptian astrology is not the same astrology we use today, although there are a few links that tie them together. But ancient astrology in general was used a little differently than the way we use astrology today. For the most part, astrology in the ancient times was used more for predicting planetary shifts that affected […]

Tomb Robbers in Ancient Egypt

Tomb robbing in ancient Egypt played an important part in the economic well-being of the society. Although by today’s standards it is considered a dastardly deed, the Egyptians did not view tomb robbing with the same disdain and disgust that modern society does. History of Tomb Robbing Tomb robbers existed in all levels of society, […]

Ancient Egyptian Mastabas

The mastaba was used by the early pharaohs of Pre- and Early-Dynastic periods, but faded out of royal use in favor of the pyramids. The word comes from the Arabic word for “bench,” and it was a rectangular structure that served as a tomb. The mastaba continued to be used by Egyptians who were not […]

Archaeological Evidence

Even though the story of the Exodus out of ancient Egypt is the Torah’s basis for creation, there is no real archaeological evidence in support of it. The main issue is that with the sheer number of people migrating from one place to another, there should be some recording of it available. Some researchers believe that […]

The Exodus

The Exodus in ancient Egypt refers to a time when the Israelites were led out of Egypt by Moses. The Israelites had been in Egypt for hundreds of years, and eventually became so numerous that the Pharaoh decided he couldn’t trust them. He didn’t want to take the chance that they could oust him from […]

Ancient Egyptian Cities & Regions

The distinctive geography of ancient Egypt with a narrow strip of lush fertile land surrounded by desert saw its cities built close to the Nile River. This ensured a ready supply of water, access to hunting grounds in the Niles marshes and a transport network of boats. Cities and towns were divided into “Upper” and “Lower” regions. Ancient Egypt […]