Many gods were worshiped devoutly throughout ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians Gods were a multitude of gods, where each associated with some specific element or quality.

Below are 30 of the most famous Gods of Egypt in no particular ordeFamous Egyptian Godsr.


  • Amun: The King of the Egyptian gods was the greatest of the sun gods. Depictions of Amun represent him as a man with a hawk’s head with a bull’s tail hanging from his tunic.
  • Anubis: The god of death was represented as either a man with a jackal’s head or as a jackal. He presided over funerals and guided the souls of the dead. He also oversaw the ceremony where the gods weighed a human heart to judge its salvation.
  • Aten: The sun god had no human shape and was illustrated as a sun disc having hands at the end of each ray.
  • Atum: Considered the oldest of the creation gods seem to have existed before anything else.
  • Bast: The cat goddess, represented either as a woman having a cat head or as a cat. People in Ancient Egypt mummified cats in her honor.
  • Bes: The patron of art, childbirth, and music was a war god. People placed Bes’s image above their headrests at night to ward off evil spirits.
  • Geb: The god of the Earth was represented as the fertility of the earth.
  • Happy: The God of the Nile was considered to have created everything.
  • Hathor: The cow goddess was also a mother goddess who represented as a cow or a woman with a cow’s head or horns.Famous Egyptian Gods
  • Horus: The Egyptian falcon god. He was among the five Osisrains gods and was depicted as a man with a hawk’s head.
  • Ihy: The Egyptian god of music, he represented childhood, joy, and music. As a child god, Ihy was fit into the conception of gods being connected as a family.
  • Isis: The Goddess of Fertility. She was also the goddess of magic and a healing goddess.
  • Khepri: A self-created god and often depicted as the rising sun.
  • Khnum: A creator-god and the god of fertility.
  • Ma’at: The Goddess of Truth and Justice and was personified moral and physical law.
  • Nefertum: The god of perfume who was originally thought of as a man with a pleasant blossom on his head. He was also worshiped as the god of healing and believed to be an aromatherapist.
  • Nephthys: The personification of darkness, death, and decay and was one of the Osirian gods.
  • Nun: The celestial waters and had no temples dedicated to him.
  • Nut: The Goddess of the Sky and was personified as the sky. She was the consort of Geb and also considered the mother of the Osirian gods.
  • Osiris: The God of the Underworld was the god of the dead and resurrection.
  • Ptah: The god of artists and artisans and a craft-god.
  • Ra: A sun god and some myths claimed that he created everything.
  • Ra Horakhty: A composite of the gods Horus and Ra.
  • Sekhmet: The lion goddess was the goddess of war and battle.
  • Seshat: The goddess of libraries and literature and the Egyptians associated her with Thoth.
  • Seth: The God of Chaos was the god of darkness and evil and one of the Osirian gods.
  • Shu: The god of air.
  • Sobek: The Crocodile God of Strength.
  • Tawaret: The hippopotamus goddess and the patroness of motherhood and childbirth.
  • Tefnut: The goddess of moisture and the consort of Shu.
  • Thoth: The mon god and the patron of the arts, hieroglyphics, science, speech, and wisdom.