Many of the sports played today were also played during the ancient Egyptian period. Many illustrations on the walls of tombs and monuments show that sports like long jump, wrestling, weightlifting, rowing, swimming, shooting, athletics and fishing and a few ball games were very popular with the ancient Egyptians. Also, many kings and princes in this era had a keen interest in attending sports competitions which they funded with equipment and other support as well. Rules like choosing a neutral referee, uniforms for players and the announcement of winners by awarding different medals are some aspects of ancient Egyptian sports that are very similar to today’s sports.


Some Ancient Egyptian Sports

Scenes on the walls of the temples and pyramids clearly show that Egyptians knew how to keep physically fit and healthy. Sports were an important part of the daily life and culture. Some sports that were most commonly played by ancient Egyptians included gymnastics, boxing, high jump, archery, marathon, handball, javelin throw, weightlifting, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, and equilibrium.

What Were Their Favorites?

The sport called javelin throwing was used in ancient Egypt for the purpose of hunting and practiced both as a sport and for finding food. Archery was another such sport which was a popular mode of recreation in Egypt and a popular mode of hunting. Archery was practiced by the royal family very often. Many water sports were also very popular in Egypt mainly due to the location of the many banks of the longest river on earth, the river Nile. Rowing and swimming were among the most common water sports played by Egyptians during this era. Soccer is a very popular sport in modern Egypt, but ancient Egyptians also enjoyed a variety of other sports like tennis, squash and even golf which formed an integral part of the ancient Egyptian sports scene.


What The Tomb Scenes Show

Considering the many drawings and paintings it can be said that the sports in ancient Egypt also included a number of ball games. One popular version is a variant of the handball played today. The games were played with balls and bats which were made out of palm trees. Ball games seem to have been enjoyed by both children and adults. Most sports in ancient Egypt are believed to have been an activity for mere enjoyment while some also seem to have developed into professional spectator sporting events. These sports were usually watched by the royal families in order to enjoy and have fun. Lengthy marathons were also a part of the sports scene for ancient Egypt as can be seen from the texts. Marathons seem to have been an important part of the coronation festivities of pharaohs and kings throughout ancient Egyptian history. It can thus be clearly seen that sports in ancient Egypt were very important and formed an integral part of daily life not just to keep people physically fit but also as a means of entertainment and recreation.