Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli on Tuesday directed the concerned authorities to immediately fulfill the health ministry’s needs of any medical supplies previously recognized by Minister of Health Hala Zayed.

Madbouli also asked to be furnished with a daily report detailing any medical needs or requirements fulfilled in coordination with the Egyptian authority for unified drug procurement, medical supply, and medical technology management.

Madbouli’s remarks came during a meeting of the supreme committee responsible for managing the coronavirus crisis.

The meeting was attended by the ministers of health, interior, supply, and internal trade, education, higher education and scientific research, finance and local development, along with the state minister for information and the president’s adviser on health and prevention affairs.

During the meeting, the health minister briefed of the coronavirus situation in Egypt and the measures taken by the ministry to address the repercussions of the global pandemic.

The Health Ministry announced on April 14, that 160 new coronavirus cases were detected, upping the total number of confirmed cases to 2350, Spokesman for the Health Ministry Khaled Megahed said in a statement.

Fourteen patients have died from the virus over the past 24 hours, raising the death toll to 178, the spokesman said.

The spokesman said that the number of patients that were discharged from hospitals after receiving necessary medical care rose to 514 on Tuesday.

Also, the number of coronavirus patients who had now been retested for the virus and had received negative results has reached 683.

Egypt extended a nationwide night-time curfew by two additional weeks, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said in a televised interview, as the country is tailoring measures to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in the country.