Famous Egyptologists
Famous Egyptologists Howard Carter There have been thousands of Egyptologists over the millennia. Although not the father of Egyptology, Howard Carter is one of the most well-known. In November of 1922, he discovered the tomb of the boy king, Tutankhamun. An Englishman, Carter was given one last opportunity by his financier, Lord Carnarvon, to find King Tut’s tomb. […]
Egyptology Definition
Egyptology Definition Ancient Egyptian civilization has a history going back to around 3,000 BC. Egyptology is the study of this history in regards to the language, religion, art, literature and architecture up until about 400 A.D. which marked the end of hieroglyphic writing. An Egyptologist is anyone who practices or studies Egyptian antiquities. History of Egyptology Because […]
Egyptian pharaohs typically had five names
The names of the Egyptian pharaohs typically had five names, one which was bestowed upon them at birth and another four names that were not given until they took the throne. The final four names were bestowed upon the king to officially commemorate his transformation from a mortal to a deity. The birth name of the pharaoh […]
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs The ancient Egyptians had a unique writing system now known as hieroglyphs. These are the little pictures that most people associate with Egyptian writing. However, the ancient Egyptians had two other scripts they used as well. Papyrus of Ani, Book of the Dead One of these is called hieratic, or writing of the priests. […]
The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone © bathyporeia – The Rosetta Stone Before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, scholars had different ideas about hieroglyphs. Many believed that each hieroglyph represented an idea, specifically what the sign resembled. Other scholars thought hieroglyphics followed no rules and would never be deciphered. This changed after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. When […]
Second Intermediate Period (1650-1550)
Second Intermediate Period (1650-1550) During the later part of the Middle Kingdom, Asiatic groups moved into the Delta. This period began when Egypt splintered and capitals existed at Avaris, Kush and Thebes. The people groups ruling here were the Asiatics, the Nubians and the Egyptians. One hundred and five royal names from this period exist. 14th Dynasty […]
First Intermediate Period (c.2160-2055 B.C.)
First Intermediate Period (c.2160-2055 B.C.) This period saw a change in the cultural demographic of the country. Nobles moved to smaller cities and took the art and culture of the capital with them. Rural Egypt became wealthier and this allowed the people to build larger tombs. Artisans developed scarab shaped seals during this period. Urban centers, which […]
Predynastic Period (c.5300-3000 B.C.)
Predynastic Period (c.5300-3000 B.C.) Neolithic The first part of the Predynastic period is the Neolithic period. Agriculture became the main food source in the Nile Valley and communities worked together to raise food. Egyptologists discovered pits used to store grain. They also found Beads and cosmetic palettes in Neolithic tombs. Some communities also got food from domestic animals, […]
Unique Places to Stay and Visit in Italy
King Tut, The Boy King King Tutankhamun, the Boy King, ruled for a mere 10 years but he is arguably the most famous of all the pharaohs. Far from being the slim, athletic young man that he is usually depicted, recent archaeological evidence indicates he had a clubbed left foot, severe malaria, a cleft palate, […]
Other Facts about the Ten Plagues of Egypt
Other Facts about the Ten Plagues of Egypt Some Biblical scholars contend that Thutmose III was the pharaoh of the Exodus because the Bible says that Joseph placed his brethren in the land of Ramses, which was around 1406 BC. They cite this as one proof that Thutmose III was the pharaoh of the Exodus. However, in modern society, […]