Women in the Workplace
Egyptian culture empowered women from the time of the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150 – c. 2613 BCE) through the Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE) as evidenced by powerful female rulers such as Neithhotep in the First Dynasty through Cleopatra VII in the Ptolemaic Dynasty. There does not seem to have been the necessity of a particular cult in the New Kingdom […]
The Domestic Cult
Each home had its own altar which had to be kept clean and neat. People did not go to the temples in town to worship their gods but held private ceremonies and rituals in their houses. These altars would usually have an image or statue of a patron god or goddess and offerings would be […]
Women’s Work in Ancient Egypt
Women in ancient Egypt had greater rights than in any other civilization of the time. They could own land, initiate divorce, own and operate their own business, become scribes, priests, seers, dentists, and doctors. Although men were dominant and held the most important positions in society as a general rule, there is ample evidence of positions in which women had […]
Women Who Changed the History of Ancient Egypt
Women Who Changed the History of Ancient Egypt When we think of ancient civilizations, we usually assume that women were not treated as well as they are today However, Egypt treated its women better than any of the other cultures within the ancient world. Women of Ancient Egypt When taking any trip to Egypt you will learn […]
Ancient Egyptian VII: Position of Woman
Women’s Role in the Home Throughout time, women have been known for their kindness, strength, intelligence and love. Ancient Egyptians respected the role of women in the home, how they raised children and created stable and safe homes, according to scholar Joshua J. Mark, author of “Women in Ancient Egypt” published on Ancient History Encyclopedia […]
Women’s Rights in Ancient Egypt
When it comes to legal rights, Herodotus wasn’t completely off the mark in his assessment of Egypt as the polar opposite of Greece. In ancient Greece, women possessed no legal standing and had to appoint a male to represent them in legal affairs. Upper-class Egyptian women enjoyed far more rights. One book of instruction for […]
What Is the Only Excavated Egyptian Royalty Tomb Discovered Intact?
The ruins of the ancient Egyptian kingdoms provide an endless source of speculation for historians and Egyptologists. Understanding more aspects of the region’s culture depends on excavating remains, but many archaeological finds are often damaged over time or ruined by grave robbers. There is one royal tomb found completely intact, at the site of the […]
This is Why Women Were the Real Leaders in Ancient Egypt
One of the reasons Ancient Egyptian civilization is a great one is that it was built by both men and women alike. Women weren’t only responsible for housework and child-rearing, but had other great roles, such as being great warriors, rulers, and diplomats. Contrary to modern times, ancient Egyptians appreciated women’s role and dealt with them equally. […]
What Pharaohs Put in Their Tombs
The pharaohs, or kings, of ancient Egypt were buried in accordance with lavish and complex funeral rites. Priests and mourners placed a wide variety of objects in pharaohs’ tombs, including offerings the deceased was supposed to use in the afterlife. The types of objects placed within the grave varied over time, reflecting changing social customs […]
Women in Ancient Egyptian Literature
The literature of Ancient Egypt did not hesitate to present women as frivolous, capricious, and rarely trustworthy. But despite this, women benefitted from a status that was rare in the civilizations of the time. While the painters and sculptors gave to women a serene image as part of a happy family, the writers were not […]